Shibnobi AMA Latest Update 3rd March 2022.
The latest updated whitepaper, which has a lot more information on our ecosystem has been uploaded onto the website. Please have a read and send on any questions and comments into the daily AMAs, etc.
The application for project developers to fill out and submit in order to be listed on our DojoSwap is now LIVE on our website, So far, a total of 9 projects have applied. Cliff will determine when and how to announce the names of these projects at a later time.
The development team has individually tested each portion of the DojoSwap (ETH, BSC and Polygon). They are now merging all three into one interface and will be testing them together.
The focus for the rest of this week will be finalizing the testing of DojoSwap and reviewing applications.
If anyone knows of projects on the Polygon network that would be interested in being listed on our DEX, please have them apply. We currently only have 2 applications from Polygon projects.
Cliff believes he may have found a solution to preventing rug-pulls, making them impossible on our DEX. He will have a meeting with the team about it. If it is determined that it will work, it will be implemented on our blockchain as well.
Open-Floor Q&A
Question: What is Cliff’s projection for how DojoSwap will positively impact our token?
Answer: Cliff and the team must be careful when speculating or making predictions about the project, as the SEC could get involved if they believe it to be market manipulation. Therefore, we cannot answer questions like this.
Question: How many listings is Cliff hoping to have at the launch of DojoSwap?
Answer: 10-12
Question: How long will the listing process take?
Answer: These initial listings will help us determine the average wait time for future listings, but the team is trying to fast track the current applicants for the launch.
Question: Will listing on DojoSwap be free of charge?
Answer: Applicants will need to pay us $250 to cover the transaction fees for initial setup. As announced in the past, applicants will be required to KYC in order to list, and we will be having this done by the team at CertiK.
Question: Do we plan on attending the crypto expo in Singapore?
Answer: We have been looking into it, but currently have no plans to attend.
Question: What will make our blockchain and wallet stand out against the rest?
Answer: Our blockchain will require project developers to KYC to us before they have the ability to deploy a contract. This will deter them from rug-pulling/scamming. We are also working with CertiK in order to implement new technologies for enhanced security. This will also likely help with preventing dust attacks from happening.
Our wallet will have a certain unannounced feature that Cliff believes is not part of any other wallet on the market today.
Question: What purpose will the Shinja token have after the blockchain is launched?
Answer: Cliff recommends that everyone read our newly updated whitepaper on our website. It explains everything there, along with some additional projects in the works.
Question: Will our NFTs be customizable/transformable (similar to how BAYC has serum NFTs that transform the Bored Ape into a Mutant Ape?)
Answer: This is something that we can look into doing in the future.
Question: Will the Shibnobi team be reviewing the contracts of projects applying to be listed on DojoSwap for any abnormalities or concerning code?
Answer: No. Because of the KYC mandate, developers should be deterred enough from rug-pulling/scamming, as all of their information will be released to the public and reported to the proper authorities if they do.
Thanks for watching crypted crypto channel. Please subscribe for more information on Shibnobi. Peace!
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